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[ 發布日期:2006/9/20 16:17:10 ] 瀏覽人數: 5140

1. General
80. Some members of the Working Party noted that China was in the process of liberalizing the availability of the right to import and export goods from China, but that such rights were now only available to some Chinese enterprises (totalling 35,000). In addition, foreign-invested enterprises had the right to trade, although this was restricted to the importation for production purposes and exportation, according to the enterprises' scope of business. Those members stated their view that such restrictions were inconsistent with WTO requirements, including Articles XI and III of GATT 1994, and welcomed China's commitment to progressively liberalize the availability and scope of the right to trade so that within three years after accession all enterprises would have the right to import and export all goods (except for the share of products listed in Annex 2A to the Draft Protocol reserved for importation and exportation by state trading enterprises) throughout the customs territory of China. Those members requested that China provide detailed information on the process and criteria that it would use to increase the number of enterprises with trading rights and the scope of products that enterprises could import and export during the transition period.
81. Some members of the Working Party also noted China's commitment to accord foreign enterprises and individuals, including those not invested or registered as enterprises in China, no less favorable treatment than that accorded enterprises in China with respect to the right to trade except as otherwise provided for in the Draft Protocol. Members of the Working Party requested that China provide detailed information regarding the process for such enterprises and individuals to obtain the right to import and export goods.
82. Some members of the Working Party expressed concerns that after the transition period any linkage between an enterprise's scope of business or business licence and the right to trade would constitute a restriction on the right to import and export. Those members noted that within three years after accession, China would have to permit all enterprises in China to trade in all goods throughout the customs territory of China (except as otherwise provided in the Draft Protocol).
83. The representative of China confirmed that during the three years of transition, China would progressively liberalize the scope and availability of trading rights.
(a) The representative of China confirmed that, upon accession, China would eliminate for both Chinese and foreign-invested enterprises any export performance, trade balancing, foreign exchange balancing and prior experience requirements, such as in importing and exporting, as criteria for obtaining or maintaining the right to import and export.
(b) With respect to wholly Chinese-invested enterprises, the representative of China stated that although foreign-invested enterprises obtained limited trading rights based on their approved scope of business, wholly Chinese-invested enterprises were now required to apply for such rights and the relevant authorities applied a threshold in approving such applications. In order to accelerate this approval process and increase the availability of trading rights, the representative of China confirmed that China would reduce the minimum registered capital requirement (which applied only to wholly Chinese-invested enterprises) to obtain trading rights to RMB 5,000,000 for year one, RMB 3,000,000 for year two, RMB 1,000,000 for year three and would eliminate the examination and approval system at the end of the phase-in period for trading rights.
(c) The representative of China also confirmed that during the phase-in period, China would progressively liberalize the scope and availability of trading rights for foreign-invested enterprises. Such enterprises would be granted new or additional trading rights based on the following schedule. Beginning one year after accession, joint-venture enterprises with minority share foreign-investment would be granted full rights to trade and beginning two years after accession majority share foreign-invested joint-ventures would be granted full rights to trade.
(d) The representative of China also confirmed that within three years after accession, all enterprises in China would be granted the right to trade. Foreign-invested enterprises would not be required to establish in a particular form or as a separate entity to engage in importing and exporting nor would new business licence encompassing distribution be required to engage in importing and exporting.中國http://www.stonebuy.com石材http://www.stonebuy.com/網-外貿助手-stonebuy.com
The Working Party took note of these commitments.
84. (a) The representative of China reconfirmed that China would eliminate its system of examination and approval of trading rights within three years after accession. At that time, China would permit all enterprises in China and foreign enterprises and individuals, including sole proprietorships of other WTO Members, to export and import all goods (except for the share of products listed in Annex 2A to the Draft Protocol reserved for importation and exportation by state trading enterprises) throughout the customs territory of China. Such right, however, did not permit importers to distribute goods within China. Providing distribution services would be done in accordance with China's Schedule of Specific Commitments under the GATS.
(b) With respect to the grant of trading rights to foreign enterprises and individuals, including sole proprietorships of other WTO members, the representative of China confirmed that such rights would be granted in a non-discriminatory and non-discretionary way. He further confirmed that any requirements for obtaining trading rights would be for customs and fiscal purposes only and would not constitute a barrier to trade. The representative of China emphasized that foreign enterprises and individuals with trading rights had to comply with all WTO-consistent requirements related to importing and exporting, such as those concerning import licensing, TBT and SPS, but confirmed that requirements relating to minimum capital and prior experience would not apply.
The Working Party took note of these commitments.
2. Designated Trading
85. The representative of China stated that China would adjust and expand its list of enterprises under its designated trading regime annually during the transition period, leading up to full implementation of the commitment contained in Annex 2B. The current criteria for enterprises under the designated trading regime included registered capital, import and export volume and the import volume of products subject to designated trading in the previous year, bank credit rating and profits and losses.
86. Members of the Working Party noted China's commitment that it would phase out the limitation on the grant of trading rights for goods specified in Annex 2B of its Draft Protocol within three years after accession. In responding to questions raised by some members of the Working Party, the representative of China confirmed that China would progressively liberalize the right to trade in such goods by increasing the number of designated entities permitted to import goods in each of the three years of the transition period specified in Annex 2B. The representative of China added that China would eliminate import and export volume as a criterion for obtaining the right to trade these products, reduce minimum capitalization requirements and extend the right to register as designated importing and exporting enterprises to enterprises that used such goods in the production of finished goods and enterprises that distributed such goods in China. At the end of three years, all enterprises in China and all foreign enterprises and individuals would be permitted to import and export such goods throughout the customs territory of China. During the transition period, none of the criteria applicable under the designated trading regime would constitute a quantitative restriction on imports or exports. The Working Party took note of these commitments.
1. Ordinary Customs Duties
87. Members of the Working Party welcomed China's decision to bind tariffs for all products in its schedule on market access for goods. This action would increase the certainty and predictability of this aspect of China's trade regime. Members also noted the substantial unilateral tariff reductions made in many sectors by China in recent years.
88. The representative of China provided members of the Working Party with a copy of the Customs Import and Export Tariff of the People's Republic of China ("Customs Tariff") and related laws and regulations. He noted that the Customs Tariff of China was a charge imposed on imported goods. The purpose of levying tariffs was twofold: (a) to regulate imports so as to promote and support domestic production; and (b) to serve as an important source of revenue for the treasury of the central government. China's tariff policy was to promote economic reform and opening of the economy. The basic principles for establishing duty rates were as follows. Duty-free or low duty rates were applied to imported goods which were needed for the national economy and the people's livelihood but which were not produced sufficiently domestically. Import duty rates on raw materials were generally lower than those on semi-manufactured or manufactured products. For parts or components of machinery, equipment and instruments which were not produced domestically, or at a sufficiently high standard, the import duty was lower than the duty on finished products. Higher duty rates were applied to products which were produced domestically or which were considered non-essential for the national economy and the people's livelihood. A higher duty was applied to imported products, the equivalent of which were produced domestically and the local manufacturer of which needed protection.
89. The representative of China said that China had adopted the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System ("HS") as from 1 January 1992 and joined the International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System in the same year. There were 21 sections, 97 chapters and 7062 eight-digit tariff headings based on the six-digit HS'96 version in the Customs Tariff for the year 2000. Tariff rates were fixed by the State Council. Partial adjustment to the duty rates was subject to deliberation and final decision by the State Council Tariff Commission. The simple average of China's import duties in 2000 was 16.4 per cent. Among the 7062 tariff headings, tariff rates for 525 headings were below 5 per cent, 1488 were between 5 per cent (inclusive) and 10 per cent (exclusive), 2022 between 10 per cent (inclusive) and 15 per cent (inclusive) and 3027 were above 15 per cent. Information on tariff rates for specific products and import statistical data for recent years had been provided to the Working Party.
90. He also noted that currently there were two columns of import duty rates: general rates and preferential rates. The preferential rates applied to imports originating in countries and regions with which China had concluded reciprocal tariff agreements, whereas the general rates applied to imports from other sources.
91. The representative of China confirmed that for wood and paper products, the same rates of duty, including the rates applied under a preference programme, customs union or free-trade area, would be applied to all imports of wood and paper products. The Working Party took note of this commitment.
92. The representative of China confirmed that upon accession China would participate in the Information Technology Agreement ("ITA") and would eliminate tariffs on all information technology products as set out in China's schedule. Furthermore, upon accession, China would eliminate all other duties and charges for ITA products. The Working Party took note of these commitments.
93. Certain members of the Working Party expressed particular concerns about tariff treatment in the auto sector. In response to questions about the tariff treatment for kits for motor vehicles, the representative of China confirmed that China had no tariff lines for completely knocked-down kits for motor vehicles or semi-knocked down kits for motor vehicles. If China created such tariff lines, the tariff rates would be no more than 10 per cent. The Working Party took note of this commitment.
94. Without prejudice to its rights to participate in the WTO process, the representative of China confirmed China's commitment to support the tariff liberalization proposal outlined in WT/GC/W/138/Add.1 (22 April 1999) and that it would participate fully in any tariff liberalization initiative based on this proposal that WTO Members might accept for implementation.
95. China undertook bilateral market access negotiations on goods with members of the Working Party. The results of those negotiations were contained in the Schedule of Concessions and Commitments on Goods and formed Annex 8 to the Draft Protocol.
2. Other Duties and Charges
96. The representative of China confirmed that China had agreed to bind at zero other duties and charges in its Schedule of Concessions and Commitments, pursuant to Article II:1(b) of the GATT 1994. The Working Party took note of this commitment.
3. Rules of Origin
97. Some members of the Working Party requested information about the adoption and application of rules of origin in China, whether in the context of free trade agreements or otherwise, and also requested China to confirm that its rules of origin for both preferential and non-preferential trade complied fully with the WTO Agreement on Rules of Origin.
98. The representative of China noted that the criteria for making the determination of substantial transformation was: (a) change in tariff classification of a four-digit tariff line in the Customs Tariff; or (b) the value-added component was 30 per cent or more in the total value of a new product.
99. He further noted that under current arrangements, and in accordance with the criteria outlined above, when an imported product was processed and manufactured in several countries, the country of origin of the product was determined to be the last country in which the product underwent substantial transformation. The rules of origin applied for statistical purposes were the same.
100. The representative of China stated that China's rules of origin for import and export were non-preferential rules of origin. Once the international harmonization of non-preferential rules of origin was concluded, China would fully adopt and apply the internationally harmonized non-preferential rules of origin. A mechanism that met the requirements of Articles 2(h) and 3(f), and Annex II, paragraph 3(d) of the Agreement, which required provision upon request of an assessment of the origin of an import or an export and outlined the terms under which it would be provided, would be established in China's legal framework by the date of accession. The Working Party took note of these commitments.
101. The representative of China further stated that China would not use the rules of origin as an instrument to pursue trade objectives directly or indirectly. He also confirmed that China would apply rules of origin equally for all purposes. The Working Party took note of these commitments.
102. The representative of China confirmed that from the date of accession, China would ensure that its laws, regulations and other measures relating to rules of origin would be in full conformity with the WTO Agreement on Rules of Origin and that it would implement such laws, regulations and other measures in full conformity with that Agreement. The Working Party took note of this commitment.
4. Fees and Charges for Services Rendered
103. Members of the Working Party noted that as a condition of accession, China should undertake a commitment to ensure conformity of customs fees and charges with Article VIII of the GATT 1994. The representative of China confirmed that China would comply with Article VIII of GATT 1994 in this regard. The Working Party took note of this commitment.
5. Application of Internal Taxes to Imports
104. Some members of the Working Party expressed concern that some internal taxes applied to imports, including a value-added tax ("VAT") were not administered in conformity with the requirements of the GATT 1994, particularly Article III. Those members of the Working Party noted that China appeared to permit the application of discriminatory internal taxes and charges to imported goods and services, including taxes and charges applied by sub-national authorities. Those members requested that China reaffirm that all such internal taxes and charges would be in conformity with the requirements of the GATT 1994.
105. In response, the representative of China noted that there were three major types of taxes levied on products and services: (a) VAT levied on goods and services for processing, maintenance and assembling; (b) the Consumption Tax on some selected consumer products; and (c) the Business Tax on providing services, transferring intangible assets and selling real estate. Both the VAT and the Consumption Tax were applicable to entities importing goods. VAT and the Consumption Tax on imported goods were collected by General Customs Administration ("Customs") at the point of entry. He noted that VAT was reimbursed once goods were exported. Exported goods were exempted from the Consumption Tax.
106. He further noted that the State Council determined all policies concerning the levying of VAT and the Consumption Tax, adjustment of tax types and tax rates (tax value), as well as the tax exemption of VAT, the Consumption Tax and the Business Tax. The laws and regulations were interpreted and implemented by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation. VAT and the Consumption Tax were levied and administered by the State competent departments of taxation, while the Business Tax was collected and administered by the local competent departments of taxation.
107. The representative of China confirmed that from the date of accession, China would ensure that its laws, regulations and other measures relating to internal taxes and charges levied on imports would be in full conformity with its WTO obligations and that it would implement such laws, regulations and other measures in full conformity with those obligations. The Working Party took note of this commitment.
6. Tariff Exemptions
108. The representative of China stated that the tariff exemption policy of China was developed and implemented in accordance with the Customs Law of the People's Republic of China and the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Import and Export Duties. The coverage of specific tariff reduction or exemption was provided for by the State Council. All the tariff reductions and exemptions were applied on an MFN basis.
109. The representative of China noted that in accordance with international practices and provisions of China's Customs Law, import duty reductions or exemptions were available for the following goods:
(a) A consignment of goods, on which customs duties were estimated below RMB 10 yuan;
(b) advertising articles and samples, which were of no commercial value;
(c) goods and materials, which were rendered gratis by international organizations or foreign governments;
(d) fuels, stores, beverages and provisions for use en route loaded by any means of transport, which were in transit across the border;
(e) exported goods being replaced;
(f) goods damaged prior to Customs release;
(g) goods covered by international treaties providing for tariff reductions and exemptions which China had entered into or acceded to;
(h) goods temporarily imported;
(i) goods imported under inward processing programmes;
(j) goods imported at zero cost for replacement purposes;
(k) domestic- or foreign-funded projects encouraged by the government;
(l) articles for scientific research, education and the disabled.
He noted that goods so imported were required to be put under Customs supervision and control. The Customs duty was required to be recovered if such goods were sold, transferred or used for other purposes during the time period of supervision and control.
110. Some members of the Working Party expressed concerns over the availability and application of tariff reductions and exemptions for a variety of enterprises and other entities, including state trading enterprises, state-owned enterprises, foreign-invested enterprises and not-for-profit entities. Similar concerns also existed for exemptions from application of other duties, taxes and charges. These members noted the negative effect such reductions or exemptions could have on revenues and predictability and certainty in application of tariff and other trade measures.
111. The representative of China confirmed that upon accession, China would adopt and apply tariff reductions and exemptions so as to ensure MFN treatment for imported goods. The Working Party took note of this commitment.
7. Tariff Rate Quotas
112. Several members of the Working Party expressed concern over the lack of transparency, uniformity and predictability of China's administration of its tariff rate quota ("TRQ") regime. Those members requested that China enter a commitment to administer TRQs in a simple, transparent, timely, predictable, uniform, non-discriminatory, and non-trade restrictive manner, and in a way that would not cause trade distortions. Those members asked that China ensure that its TRQ arrangements be no more administratively burdensome than absolutely necessary, and also expressed the hope that China would move as quickly as possible to a market-based TRQ allocation process.
113. Those members of the Working Party also raised concerns regarding the administration of China's TRQ system and the practices of state trading enterprises in relation to importing such products. These concerns included the current lack of transparent regulations for administering TRQs; use of administrative guidance; distortions introduced into the market due to allocations based on government determinations of sub-national supply and utilization rather than consumer preferences and end-user demand; failure to establish and publish annual TRQ quantities; trade-restrictive and non-competitive practices of state trading enterprises; and general uncertainty, inconsistency and discrimination in trade of bulk commodities. Those members expressed similar concerns about the operation of China's TRQ system for products subject to designated trading. Those members requested that China reduce tariffs for commodities subject to TRQs, enter into access commitments for these commodities, improve the administration of the TRQ regime, and ensure that trade would not be distorted by unjustified government regulation. Certain members of the Working Party also requested that a number of specified products be removed from China's TRQ system and that, upon import, these products be subject only to tariffs.
114. The representative of China noted that in 1996, for the first time, China published a list of import products subject to TRQs, together with the tariff rates applicable to imports both in and out of quota. Allocation of TRQ was based on historical performance and administration of the state trading regime, although China had also tried several other ways of administration, including import at applied tariff rates, first-come-first-served at the point of entry. China was trying to simplify the TRQ administration regime and procedures in a bid to facilitate use, enhance efficiency and implement further reform.
115. The representative of China further noted that, in undertaking market-oriented reform in the agricultural sector, China had made progress in freeing agricultural products from state pricing and in guiding farmers to adjust the structure of agricultural production based on the demands of the market. In connection with that reform process, in the bilateral negotiations with Members, China committed that, upon accession, it would eliminate TRQs on a number of products and subject these only to tariffs. The products concerned were barley, soybeans, rapeseed, peanut oil, sunflower seed oil, corn oil, and cottonseed oil. In addition, China would replace quantitative import restrictions on sugar, cotton and three types of fertilizers (DAP, NPK and urea) by TRQs. The Working Party took note of these commitments.
116. The representative of China stated that upon accession, China would ensure that TRQs were administered on a transparent, predictable, uniform, fair and non-discriminatory basis using clearly specified timeframes, administrative procedures and requirements that would provide effective import opportunities; that would reflect consumer preferences and end-user demand; and that would not inhibit the filling of each TRQ. China would apply TRQs fully in accordance with WTO rules and principles and with the provisions set out in China's Schedule of Concessions and Commitments on Goods. The Working Party took note of these commitments.
117. The representative of China confirmed that for the goods listed in Annex 2 of the Draft Protocol that were subject to a TRQ, China would also apply the provisions of its Schedule relating to TRQ administration and related commitments in the Draft Protocol, including the grant of trading rights to non-state trading entities to import the TRQ allocations set aside for importation by such entities. For products in Annex 2 of the Draft Protocol that were subject to designated trading, the representative of China confirmed that China would ensure that additional enterprises granted trading rights in accordance with China's commitments to phase out designated trading would not be disadvantaged in the allocation of TRQ. The Working Party took note of these commitments.
118. Some members of the Working Party expressed the view that allocation decisions were based, in large part, on government-determined provincial supply and utilization rather than on commercial market criteria that reflected consumer preferences and end-user demand. Those members expressed concern that China's stated intention to allocate quota to sub-national authorities and to authorize those authorities to then allocate that quota to end-users in separate processes would add an unnecessary, burdensome step in the procedures and reduce the likelihood that quotas would be filled. Further, those members stated that China's stated intention with regards to TRQ procedures would not be consistent with China's commitments to uniform administration of its trade regime. Those members sought confirmation that China would not establish a separate process of allocation to sub-national authorities, as well as confirmation that all allocation and reallocation decisions would be made by a single, central authority in China.
119. The representative of China confirmed that the role of sub-national bodies would be limited to purely administrative operations, such as receiving applications from end-users and forwarding them to the central authority; receiving queries and transmitting these to the central authority; reporting on allocation and reallocation decisions made by the central authority and providing information regarding such allocations and reallocations upon request; checking the information in the applications to verify that it met the published criteria; notifying applicants of any deficiencies in their applications; and providing applicants with an opportunity to cure deficiencies in their applications. After the central authority decided on allocations of quota to end-users, the sub-national bodies would issue TRQ certificates accordingly. The representative of China also confirmed that China would administer a consistent national allocation (and reallocation) policy for TRQs, that it would not establish a separate process of allocation to sub-national authorities and that decisions regarding all allocations and reallocations to end-users would be made by a single, central authority. The Working Party took note of these commitments.
120. The representative of China further confirmed that China would grant to any enterprise possessing the right to trade any product pursuant to Section 5 of the Draft Protocol, the right to import goods in Annex 2A of the Draft Protocol that were subject to a TRQ or to an agreed volume of imports by non-state trading enterprises. Such right to import would not extend to the quantity of goods specifically reserved for importation by state trading enterprises. Any enterprise possessing the right to trade pursuant to Section 5 of the Draft Protocol would also have the right to import that portion of a TRQ reallocated to non-state trading enterprises pursuant to the agreed rules on TRQ administration. The representative of China also confirmed that for goods in Annex 2A of the Draft Protocol subject to a TRQ, any enterprise granted the right to trade, pursuant to Section 5 of the Draft Protocol, would be permitted to import such goods at the out-of-quota rate. The Working Party took note of these commitments.
8. Quantitative Import Restrictions, including Prohibitions and Quotas
121. In response to requests for information from members of the Working Party, the representative of China noted that China prohibited or restricted the importation of certain commodities, including weapons, ammunition and explosives, narcotic drugs, poisons, obscene materials and those foodstuffs, medicines, animals and plants which were inconsistent with China's technical regulations on food, medicines, animals and plants.
122. Some members of the Working Party noted that there were a large number of non-tariff measures in existence in China, both at the national and sub-national levels, which appeared to have a trade restrictive or trade distorting effect. Those members requested that China undertake a commitment to eliminate and not to introduce, re-introduce or apply non-tariff measures other than those specifically identified and subject to phased elimination in Annex 3 to the Draft Protocol. The representative of China confirmed that China would not introduce, re-introduce or apply non-tariff measures other than listed in Annex 3 of the Draft Protocol unless justified under the WTO Agreement. The Working Party took note of this commitment.
123. Some members of the Working Party also raised concerns that many non-tariff measures were imposed by sub-national authorities in China on a non-transparent, discretionary and discriminatory basis. Those members of the Working Party asked that China undertake a commitment to ensure that non-tariff measures would only be imposed by the central government or by sub-national authorities with clear authorization from the central government. Actions lacking authorization from the national authorities should not be implemented or enforced. The representative of China clarified that only the central government could issue regulations on non-tariff measures and that these measures would be implemented or enforced only by the central government or sub-national authorities with authorization from the central government. He further stated that sub-national authorities had no right to formulate non-tariff measures. The Working Party took note of these commitments.
124. Some members of the Working Party noted that China had provided a list of non-tariff measures in respect of which China was prepared to commence phased elimination, contained in Annex 3 of the Draft Protocol. Those members stated that China should eliminate the measures listed in accordance with the schedule provided in Annex 3, during the periods specified in Annex 3. For measures subject to phased elimination, China should provide for growth in the quota over the relevant period specified in Annex 3. Those members also noted that the protection afforded by the measures listed in Annex 3 should not be increased or expanded in size, scope, or duration, nor any new measures be applied, unless justified under the provisions of the WTO Agreement.
125. Those members of the Working Party noted that all non-tariff measures administered by China, whether or not referred to in Annex 3 of the Draft Protocol, which were applied after China's accession, should be allocated and otherwise administered in strict conformity with the provisions of the WTO Agreement, including Article XIII of the GATT 1994 and the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures, including notification requirements.
126. The representative of China stated that China had modified Annex 3 on the basis of the comments raised by certain members of the Working Party. He confirmed that only the machinery and electronic products listed in Annex 3 were subject to specific tendering requirements and that these requirements would be administered pursuant to Chapter III of the Regulation entitled "Interim Measures for Import Administration of Machinery and Electronics Products" (approved by the State Council on 22 September 1993 and promulgated in Order No. 1 by the State Economic and Trade Commission and Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation on 7 October 1993). He also confirmed that Annex 3 contained all of the products subject to quotas, licences and such tendering requirements in China and that, during the relevant phase-out period, China would implement the growth rates for quotas as indicated in Annex 3. The Working Party took note of these commitments.
127. Some members of the Working Party requested information on how China would implement the quota and licensing requirements for products listed in Annex 3, in particular the procedures and criteria for grant of quota allocations and licensing during the phase-out period for these restrictions. Those members expressed concerns about requirements for obtaining a licence or quota allocation which often required approvals from various authorities within an organization as well as approval from both the central and sub-national level. Those members sought a transparent, streamlined system that would issue quota allocations and licences through a simple, consolidated approval process that would ensure full use of the quota and its equitable distribution among importers. Those members also requested information on how China would establish the value of imports for those products whose quota was established in terms of value of imports. The representative of China confirmed that the administration of quotas and import licences would be consistent with the WTO Agreement, including Article XIII of the GATT 1994 and the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures. The allocation of quotas and issuance of import licences would go through a simple and transparent procedure, so as to ensure the full utilization of quota. He further stated that the establishment of value of imports would be based on the information collected by the Customs authorities and provisions of the WTO Customs Valuation Agreement. For quota quantities specified in terms of value, China would determine the value of any shipment based on the c.i.f. ship value listed on the bill of lading. The Working Party took note of these commitments.
128. The representative of China confirmed that the products currently covered under the HS categories listed in Annex 3 as of the date of accession were the only products that would be subject to these quotas during the agreed phase-out periods. Any non-tariff measures covering additional products would need to be justified under the WTO Agreement. Further, the representative of China stated that for products listed in Annex 3 as being subject to quota and licensing requirements, any entity that will possess the right to trade in the quota year, including enterprises possessing trading rights to import such products or inputs for production purposes under a particular quota category, could apply for a quota allocation and licence to import products listed in Annex 3. The Working Party took note of these commitments.
129. The representative of China further confirmed that for products listed in Annex 3, China's system for quota allocation and licensing would ensure that those entities with quota allocations would also receive any necessary import licence. This system would conform to WTO rules, including the WTO Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures, and would be transparent, timely, responsive to market conditions and would minimize the burden on trade. Applications for a quota allocation would need to be submitted to only one organization, at one level (central or sub-national) for approval. The relevant organization would then issue an import licence based on the quota allocation, in most cases within 3 working days and, in exceptional cases, within a maximum of 10 working days after a request for the licence. A licence would be issued for the full amount of the quota and would be valid for the calendar year issued. Such licence would be extended once, upon request, for up to 3 months, if the request was made before 15 December of the current quota year. Imports occurring under an extended licence would be counted against the relevant quota amount for the year in which the allocation took place. The representative of China confirmed that the relevant organization for issuing quota allocations and licences, amount of quota, including the growth in quota provided for in Annex 3, the eight-digit tariff codes and full descriptions of all products covered by each quota and procedures for application for a quota allocation and licence, including the beginning and end date of the application period and any other relevant procedures or criteria, would be published in the official journal referred to in Section 2(C)(2) of the Draft Protocol at least 21 days prior to the beginning of the application period. Such application period would be from 1-31 August. Quotas would be allocated to applicants no later than 60 days after closure of the application period. The Working Party took note of these commitments.
130. The representative of China stated that China would allocate quotas in accordance with the following criteria and procedures which would be published in advance and would be applied in conformity with WTO requirements, including the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures. In applying these criteria, China would consider the need to allow for equitable participation by producers from WTO Members and take into account the need to maximize the potential for quota fill.
(a) (i) If the relevant quota quantity exceeded total requests for quota allocations, all requests would be approved.

(ii) In other cases, the criteria for allocation would be as follows:

Historical performance of applicants where relevant (in cases in which average imports over the 3-year period immediately prior to the year of China's accession, for which data was available, amounted to less than 75 per cent of the relevant quota, it would be necessary to take into account other criteria inter alia as set forth below);

- Production or processing capacity, in the case of intermediate products and raw materials;

- Experience and ability in producing, importing, marketing, or servicing in international markets, in the case of finished products or products destined for wholesale or retail distribution;

(b) (i) In cases in which average imports over the 3-year period immediately prior to the year of China's accession, for which data was available, exceeded 75 per cent of the relevant quota, applicants that had not previously been allocated quota would be allocated 10 per cent of the total quota in the first year and the majority of any quota growth in any subsequent year.

(ii) In other cases :

- In the first year, 25 per cent of the total quota would be allocated to applicants that had not previously been allocated quota; however, an applicant that had imported under a quota on the relevant products in the year prior to China's accession would not receive a decrease in the absolute amount of its quota allocation;

- In the second year, for the amount of the quota growth as well as an amount equivalent to the amount of any quota that had not been filled in the previous year, China would give priority consideration to requests from enterprises with foreign ownership equal to or less than 50 per cent;

- In the third and fourth year, if relevant, for the amount of the quota growth as well as an amount equivalent to the amount of any quota that had not been filled in the previous year, China would give priority consideration to requests from enterprises with foreign ownership greater than 50 per cent.

(c) In all cases, a quota-holder receiving an initial allocation that had fully utilized or contracted for its quota allocation would, upon application, receive an allocation in the following year for a quantity no less than the quantity imported in the previous year. A quota-holder that did not import its full allocation would receive a proportional reduction in its quota allocation in the subsequent year unless the quantity was returned for reallocation by 1 September.

The Working Party took note of these commitments.

131. The representative of China confirmed that all commercial terms of trade, including product specifications, product mix, pricing, and packaging, would be at the sole discretion of the quota holder, so long as the products are within the relevant quota category. Allocations would be valid for any article or mixture of articles subject to the same quota as specified in Annex 3 of the Draft Protocol. Allocations would be valid for a period of one calendar year from the opening of the quota import period. However, if the holder of a quota allocation had not contracted for import of the total quantity allocated to the holder by 1 September, the holder was to immediately return the unused portion of the allocation to the relevant authority which would reallocate the quota immediately, if unfilled requests were pending, or otherwise within 10 days after receipt of a request for an allocation. The relevant organization would publish notice of the availability of additional allocations after collecting any unused quotas returned by the quota holders. Licences for goods imported under reallocated quota would be extended once, upon request, for up to 3 months, if the request was made before 15 December of the current quota year. Imports occurring under an extended licence would be counted against the relevant quota amount for the year in which the re-allocation took place. The Working Party took note of these commitments.
9. Import Licensing
132. The representative of China confirmed that the list of all entities responsible for the authorization or approval of imports would be updated and republished in the official journal, the MOFTEC Gazette, within one month of any change thereto. The Working Party took note of this commitment.
133. In response to requests for additional information about its system of import licensing, the representative of China said that the import licensing system was administered without discrimination among countries or regions. In 1984, the State Council had promulgated the "Interim Regulations on Licensing System for Import Commodities", and MOFTEC and Customs had issued "Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Interim Regulations on Licensing System for Import Commodities". The Interim Regulations were uniformly implemented throughout China. In 1999, of the total import value of US$ 165.7 billion, imports subject to licensing represented 8.45 per cent, covering US$ 14 billion. MOFTEC determined which products should be subject to import licensing according to the relevant provisions of the "Foreign Trade Law".
134. The representative of China further stated that in 1993, China had applied import restrictions to 53 product categories. By 1999, the number had been reduced to 35. Products covered were (1) Processed oil; (2) Wool; (3) Polyester fibre; (4) Acrylic fibres; (5) Polyester fillet; (6) Natural rubber; (7) Vehicles tyres; (8) Sodium cyanide; (9) Sugar; (10) Fertilizer; (11) Tobacco and its products; (12) Acetate tow; (13) Cotton; (14) Motor vehicles and their key parts; (15) Motorcycles and their engines and chassises; (16) Colour television sets and TV kinescope; (17) Radios, tape recorders and their main parts; (18) Refrigerators and their compressor; (19) Washing machines; (20) Recording equipment and its key parts; (21) Cameras and their bodies (without lenses); (22) Watches; (23) Air conditioners and their compressor; (24) Audio and video tape duplication equipment; (25) Crane lorries and their chassises; (26) Electronic microscopes; (27) Open-end spinning machines; (28) Electronic colour scanners; (29) Grain; (30) Vegetable oil; (31) Wine; (32) Colour sensitive material; (33) Chemical under supervision and control that were used for chemical weapon; (34) Chemicals used to produce narcotics; and (35) Laser disc production facilities. He also noted that in 1999, there were 13 commodity categories which were imported by the foreign trade companies designated by MOFTEC. These categories were as follows: (1) Processed oil; (2) Fertilizer; (3) Tobacco; (4) Vegetable oil; (5) Grain; (6) Natural rubber; (7) Wool; (8) Acrylic fibers; (9) Sugar; (10) Cotton; (11) Crude oil; (12) Steel; and (13) Plywood.
135. Concerning the granting and administration of import licences, the representative of China said that the examination and approval of the licence took two to three working days. Applications for import licences could be submitted to the Quota and Licence Administrative Bureau of MOFTEC, or Special Commissioner Offices in 16 provinces, or Commissions of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of various provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government and those with independent budgetary status. Licensing agencies authorized by MOFTEC could issue import licences on the basis of import documents submitted by the applicants, approved by the competent departments. A licence could not be bought, sold or transferred, and was valid for one calendar year. Import licences could be extended once for up to three months.
136. Some members of the Working Party expressed concern that China's Provisional Procedures for the Administration of Automatic Registration for the Import of Special Commodities (13 August 1994), in particular the criteria for approval of registration, would act as a restraint on imports. The representative of China emphasized that the purpose of the registration system was only to gather statistical information. He confirmed that China would bring its automatic licensing system into conformity with Article 2 of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures upon accession. The Working Party took note of this commitment.
137. Some members of the Working Party noted that enterprises and individuals seeking to import products subject to tariff quota administration requirements had to go through extensive procedures to receive a quota allocation and that the quota certificate would indicate whether the subject good was to be imported through a state trading enterprise or a non-state trading enterprise and would be valid for a certain period of time. Moreover, the entity importing the good would need trading rights. In the light of these multiple requirements, a quota allocation certificate should satisfy any import licensing requirement that might apply.
138. The representative of China confirmed that China would not require a separate import licence approval for goods subject to a TRQ allocation requirement but would provide any necessary import licence in the procedure that granted a quota allocation. The Working Party took note of this commitment.
10. Customs Valuation
139. Some members of the Working Party expressed concern regarding the methods used by China to determine the customs value of goods, in particular regarding the practice of using minimum or reference prices for certain goods, which would be inconsistent with the Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the GATT 1994 ("Customs Valuation Agreement"). Other WTO-consistent means were available to Members doubting the veracity of declared transaction values.
140. In response, the representative of China stated that China had ceased to use and would not reintroduce minimum or reference prices as a means to determine customs value. The Working Party took note of this commitment.
141. The representative of China considered that there would not be situations where the "customs value" could not be "ascertained" since the Customs Valuation Agreement provided several methods for valuation.
142. The representative of China recalled that the overwhelming majority of Ch,ina's customs duties were ad valorem duties. The customs value of imported goods was assessed according to the c.i.f. price based on the transaction value, as defined in the Customs Valuation Agreement. If the transaction value of imported goods could not be determined, the customs value was determined based on other means provided for in the Customs Valuation Agreement. He also noted that the Customs Law provided for appeal procedures. In the event of a dispute over calculation of duty paid or payable with the Customs, the dissatisfied importer could apply to Customs for a reconsideration of the case. If the appeal was rejected the importer could sue at the People's Court.
143. The representative of China confirmed that, upon accession, China would apply fully the Customs Valuation Agreement, including the customs valuation methodologies set forth in Articles 1 through 8 of the Agreement. In addition, China would apply the provisions of the Decision on the Treatment of Interest Charges in Customs Value of Imported Goods, and the Decision on the Valuation of Carrier Media Bearing Software for Data Processing Equipment, adopted by the WTO Committee on Customs Valuation (G/VAL/5), as soon as practicable, but in any event no later than two years from the date of accession. The Working Party took note of these commitments.
11. Other Customs Formalities
144. The representative of China said that China joined the International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonisation of Customs Procedures in 1988 and on 15 June 2000 signed the Draft Protocol on the Amendment of the International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonisation of Customs Procedures. The Customs authorities of China had only adopted such customs formalities as declaration, examination, levying of duties and release which were consistent with international practices.
12. Preshipment Inspection
145. The representative of China stated that, currently, there were trade and commerce inspection agencies (including joint-venture agencies) engaged in preshipment inspection. He further stated that China would comply with the Agreement on Preshipment Inspection, and would regulate the existing trade and commerce inspection agencies and permit the qualified agencies to be engaged in preshipment inspection in line with the government mandate or the terms and conditions of commercial contracts. The Working Party took note of this commitment.
146. Some members of the Working Party requested information on whether China used the services of a private preshipment inspection entity. The representative of China confirmed that China would ensure that, upon accession, any laws and regulations relating to preshipment inspection by any inspection agency, including private entities, would be consistent with relevant WTO agreements, in particular, the Agreement on Preshipment Inspection and the Customs Valuation Agreement. Moreover, any fees charged in connection with such preshipment inspection would be commensurate with the service provided, in conformity with Article VIII:1 of the GATT 1994. The Working Party took note of these commitments.
13. Anti-Dumping, Countervailing Duties
147. Some members of the Working Party raised concerns that the current investigations by the Chinese authority would be judged to be inconsistent with the Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of GATT 1994("Anti-Dumping Agreement") if China were a Member of the WTO today. In certain cases, the basis for calculating dumping margins for a preliminary affirmative determination was not disclosed to interested parties. Furthermore, the determination of injury and causation did not appear to have been made on an objective examination of sufficient evidence. In the views of these members, bringing the Chinese anti-dumping rules into compliance with the WTO Agreement on its face was not sufficient. WTO-consistency had to be secured substantively as well.
148. In response, the representative of China stated that China promulgated regulations and procedures on anti-dumping and countervailing duties in 1997 with reference to the Anti-Dumping Agreement and Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures. He committed to revising China's current regulations and procedures prior to its accession in order to fully implement China's obligations under the Anti-Dumping and SCM Agreements. The Working Party took note of this commitment.
149. Members of the Working Party and the representative of China agreed that the term "national law" in subparagraph (d) of Section 15 of the Draft Protocol, should be interpreted to cover not only laws but also decrees, regulations and administrative rules.
150. Several members of the Working Party noted that China was continuing the process of transition towards a full market economy. Those members noted that under those circumstances, in the case of imports of Chinese origin into a WTO Member, special difficulties could exist in determining cost and price comparability in the context of anti-dumping investigations and countervailing duty investigations. Those members stated that in such cases, the importing WTO Member might find it necessary to take into account the possibility that a strict comparison with domestic costs and prices in China might not always be appropriate.
151. The representative of China expressed concern with regard to past measures taken by certain WTO Members which had treated China as a non-market economy and imposed anti-dumping duties on Chinese companies without identifying or publishing the criteria used, without giving Chinese companies sufficient opportunity to present evidence and defend their interests in a fair manner, and without explaining the rationale underlying their determinations, including with respect to the method of price comparison in the determinations. In response to these concerns, members of the Working Party confirmed that in implementing subparagraph (a)(ii) of Section 15 of the Draft Protocol, WTO Members would comply with the following:
(a) When determining price comparability in a particular case in a manner not based on a strict comparison with domestic prices or costs in China, the importing WTO Member should ensure that it had established and published in advance (1) the criteria that it used for determining whether market economy conditions prevailed in the industry or company producing the like product and (2) the methodology that it used in determining price comparability. With regard to importing WTO Members other than those that had an established practice of applying a methodology that included, inter alia, guidelines that the investigating authorities should normally utilize, to the extent possible, and where necessary cooperation was received, the prices or costs in one or more market economy countries that were significant producers of comparable merchandise and that either were at a level of economic development comparable to that of China or were otherwise an appropriate source for the prices or costs to be utilized in light of the nature of the industry under investigation, they should make best efforts to ensure that their methodology for determining price comparability included provisions similar to those described above.
(b) The importing WTO Member should ensure that it had notified its market-economy criteria and its methodology for determining price comparability to the Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices before they were applied.
(c) The process of investigation should be transparent and sufficient opportunities should be given to Chinese producers or exporters to make comments, especially comments on the application of the methodology for determining price comparability in a particular case.
(d) The importing WTO Member should give notice of information which it required and provide Chinese producers and exporters ample opportunity to present evidence in writing in a particular case.
(e) The importing WTO Member should provide Chinese producers and exporters a full opportunity for the defence of their interests in a particular case.
(f) The importing WTO Member should provide a sufficiently detailed reasoning of its preliminary and final determinations in a particular case.
152. The representative of China stated that determinations made by China during investigations initiated pursuant to applications made before accession should be free from challenge under the Anti-Dumping Agreement by the Members of the WTO. He further confirmed that, notwithstanding Article 18.3 of the Anti-Dumping Agreement,
(a) China would apply the provisions of the Anti-Dumping Agreement to:

(i) proceedings under Article 9.3, including the calculation of margins of dumping, in connection with anti-dumping measures adopted before accession ("existing measures"); and中國http://www.stonebuy.com石材http://www.stonebuy.com/網-外貿助手-stonebuy.com

(ii) reviews of existing measures initiated under Articles 9.5, 11.2, and 11.3 pursuant to requests made following accession. Any review of an existing measure under Article 11.3 would be initiated no later than five years from the date of its imposition.

(b) China would also provide the type of judicial review described in Article 13 of the Anti-Dumping Agreement with regard to proceedings under Article 9.3 and reviews under Articles 9.5, 11.2, and 11.3.

The Working Party took note of these commitments.

153. The representative of China noted that pursuant to the provisions of "Regulation on Anti-dumping and Countervailing Measures of the People's Republic of China", there were four Chinese government bodies responsible for anti-dumping and countervailing duty investigations. Their identities and responsibilities were as follows:
(a) Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation ("MOFTEC")

Receiving anti-dumping and countervailing petitions; Conducting investigations on foreign subsidies and on dumping and dumping margins and issuing relevant preliminary determination decisions and notices; Negotiating with foreign interested parties on "Price Undertaking" if necessary; Providing proposal on imposition of definitive anti-dumping or countervailing duties or proposals on duty refund, etc. There was an Anti-dumping Division established under the Department of Treaties and Law of MOFTEC, with responsibility to handle anti-dumping and countervailing investigations on alleged imports.

(b) State Economics and Trade Commission ("SETC")

Responsible for the investigation of injury caused to the domestic industry by the dumped or subsidized imports, the extent of such injury and making injury findings. There was a non-permanent decision and policy-making body in SETC, named the Injury Investigation and Determination Committee ("IIDC"), which was composed of six commissioners from the relevant departments of SETC. There was a permanent executive office in charge of the investigation of injury to the industry and submitting its findings to the IIDC for approval.

(c) General Customs Administration ("Customs")

Coordinating anti-dumping investigations with MOFTEC; enforcing anti-dumping measures such as collecting cash deposits and dumping duties, enforcing countervailing measures by collecting countervailing duties, and monitoring implementation.

(d) Tariff Commission of the State Council ("TCSC")

Making final decisions on whether or not to levy the anti-dumping or countervailing duties based on the suggestions by MOFTEC with regard to imposing anti-dumping or countervailing duties and reimbursing excess amount of duties, respectively.


