red dot award(紅點獎)源自德國。red dot是與iF獎齊名的一個工業設計大獎,是世界上知名設計競賽中最大最有影響的競賽之一。下面請跟我們一起感受德國紅點設計大獎2009年創意家居。以下為您呈現的四款獲獎設計作品風格迥異,各有千秋。無論是選材還是設計,絲毫無雷同之處,讓人驚嘆!木質座椅樸素經典,韻味十足。其他三款則大膽突破常規,不落窠臼。讓我們在欣賞作品的同時更加感嘆設計師的才華!
一、Lignum Wooden Chair
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red dot award: product design 2009
Central attribute of the stackable Lignum chair is its puristically delicate and refined appearance. It is made of solid beech that is either coated with natural substances or stained. It is available with or without armrests. The seat and back consist of three-dimensionally shaped plywood parts. Partial upholstery, attractive stain colours and elegant upholstery fabrics permit different design options for individual customer specifications.
二、Lox Bar Stool
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red dot award: product design 2009
Lox invitingly seems to ask the guest to take a seat. A stable base carries the flowing forms of seat and footrest and is signalling cultivated pleasure. The swivelling bar stool is very comfortable and adapts to different sizes. The button for adjusting the height is completely hidden in the seat – an interesting stylistic detail. The materials used, as there are cast plastics in white, black or grey, chromium-plated steel, and the upholstered seats of Lox, complement each other to form a dynamic shape.
三、Myon Easy Chair
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red dot award: product design 2009
The Myon compact swivel chair finds many different uses. With its unconventional and attractive design, it turns into a stylish enrichment in living ambiences and other spaces. An interesting design detail is the variety of back constructions challenging the viewer’s perception. Insert modules allow a large number of different combinations and individual variations.
四、Parabolica Rotating Armchair
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red dot award: product design 2009
Shaped as a single flowing movement this rotating armchair becomes an appealing object in the living room. With its asymmetric form Parabolica offers three different seating options: the user is invited to sit down in a relaxed position, a “normal” position or a working position using the armrest as work surface. The armchair is available in many upholsteries and colours allowing individual variations.